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Cindy Dennis

Executive Director

Spring Cleaning

This weekend my daughter and all her family came up for the last visit before baby Noah arrives the first week in May.

It was fun getting to hang with the grandchildren and share precious moments together.

Alyvia, the oldest of all four grandkids, is five and had given her life to Christ. The change is so amazing. She is becoming a servant, operating in the God-kind of love to others. What I love is the repentant heart, both humble and contrite.

My daughter mentioned that leading up to their visit, Alyvia had gone to her parent’s room, during the night to confess her misdeeds. This weekend she apologized to her Grandpa, my husband Pat, and to me, separately, for actions she had committed at our home, like taking gum without first asking, not sharing with her cousin, or not being kind to our cat, Sammy.

Finally on Saturday afternoon, the Spirit of the Lord rose up and had me tell Alyvia, that God was pleased with her contrite heart, clearing out the old “baggage.” Then He had me share with her, “old things are passed away and behold ALL THINGS are new.” He wanted her to plant seeds of His Word in her heart, and allow His promises to become her legacy from this day forward.

For His Kingdom,

Cindy Dennis


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