"Restore My Soul"

Recently my husband and I took a trip overseas to celebrate our 36th wedding anniversary. Spending time day in and day out together was a treat. Usually we are so busy with work and our commitments outside of work, we have only a few moments in a day together. So it felt great to have time to focus on celebrating the deep, rich friendship and love we have for one another and to enjoy the simple pleasures of taking a stroll in the early evening and chat about life while enjoying the leisure schedule that requires not having to rush off to work. Pat and I finished out the week refreshed and renewed with a deeper love and appreciation for one another.
As we were heading back home, I realized that the double blessing was how much my soul was renewed and restored in the process as well. I enjoyed being still and allowing God’s presence to consume me. I loved the amazing prayer time and cherished the opportunity to be still and know that He is God.
This past weekend reminded me of what Psalm 23:1-3 says “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul…” Do you every need restoration? Maybe you find yourself so busy with life that you have only a few moments in a day to spend with God and at times you feel like you are running on spiritual fumes. If we stop long enough to let God speak to us, we’ll discover that not only does our soul need His restoring, but also He wants to replenish our spiritual tank.
The literal translation of “He restores my soul” is “He causes my life to return.” The word “restore” means, “replenish, to return to its original state.” The word “soul” is a very important in the Bible. The Hebrew term “nephesh” can be translated “Soul, life, heart or mind.”
So how does God “restore our soul?” First, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” In Hebrew, “green pastures” literally means “the tender grass.” In sheep term, it’s rich, lush feeding places from which the flock need never move to be satisfied ant these green pastures represent God’s abundant provision. Sometimes His Holy Spirit will have to “make” us lie down in these green pastures. Much like the gauge on the car instrument panel that lets us know when we are running low on fuel and it is time to refuel.
Second, “He leads me beside still waters.” Troubled waters scare sheep; they prefer still waters. So when God leads us “beside” these quiet waters, we can drink freely from the living waters to find restoration and refreshment.
God wants to make you lie down in green pastures and lead you beside still waters. He wants to RESTORE your soul. God is the GOOD shepherd and He wants to GUIDE and PROVIDE for your every need. ALLOW God to let you know when it is time to get your spiritual batteries recharged so you can experience getting your soul restored.
For His Kingdom,
Cindy Dennis


Each Monday night in June will have a special guest talking about a specific outreach focus
Plan to attend the Living Beyond Ourselves special event on Saturday, June 25 with Dr. Patricia Bailey http://www.patriciabaileyministries.com/
The event is FREE and includes special workshops and activities
Gum Springs Community Center
8100 Fordson Rd, Alexandria, VA 2230