Having a Cheerful Heart


Late in November, my daughter and her family came for a visit. I love being around the
grandchildren and we were looking forward to celebrating birthdays and an early Christmas
celebration with my mom. Not long after everyone’s arrival, I discovered I had a runny nose like
my grandson Noah.
Unfortunately my runny nose was relentless and in two days I had used up four boxes of tissues and had to go out to buy more. Even with drinking lots of fluid and getting plenty of rest (not normal for me), I was still not getting ahead of this.
Of course under my own strength, I tried to go to work and prepare for my Monday Night Confident Women Workshop. Not a good idea, I was not working on all cylinders and had made some mistakes along the way. While leaving work, driving to the Workshop, I had a serious coughing attack, such that I did not see the car in front of me suddenly stop and I caused a rear-end collision.
The other car was not nearly as damaged as my car and to top off the evening, the arriving police officer gave me a citation, as the cause of the accident. Moreover, I never made it to the Workshop and had to drive home, now with a damaged car, damaged pride, and damaged heart, for I was trying to overcome this sickness under my own strength.
I am thankful my husband demonstrated a positive and cheerful heart, as he was very caring, as I finally gave all my situation(s) to God and went to bed early and slept through the night, feeling so much better in the morning. I had not been this sick since I was in 4 th grade and it took almost two weeks to finally overcome, but through it all I vowed to keep a positive perspective and attitude. I prayed, listened to healing scriptures, made declarations of faith, I
was hopeful to be on the mend, but it took longer than I had suspected.
Early one morning, the Lord spoke into my spirit that He is my healer, my redeemer, and my strength. And though it took me time to get my strength back and feel myself again, one promise carried me through all this, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength” Proverbs 17:22.
When you look up the literal translation to this verse in Proverbs, it reads like this: “ A cheerful heart cause good healing.” To me, this means my attitude, the way I approach the problems and trials of life, actually brings about good healing.
As I did further research, I found that from a medical perspective, a cheerful deposition helps the body to be both healthful and vigorous. Doctors confirm that people who had come to them, deathly sick, got better amazingly fast because they went in with a positive spirit and were surrounded by positive people.
I praise God for the family and friends who surrounded me with prayers and words of
encouragement. Through all this I discovered the value of having a cheerful heart. How can you have a cheerful heart even in the darkest moments of life? Since our attitude makes all the difference, it up to us to choose to obey Jesus words in John 16:33 that
says, “In the world you have trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]”
You can have a cheerful spirit if you believe God will not in any way fail you, nor leave you without support. He will not let you down. Assuredly not! (See Hebrews 13:5).
Help to have a cheerful heart by following the suggestions listed below:
1. Cultivate an intimate relationship with God. Matthew 6:33
2. Cultivate a forgiving spirit. Proverbs 17:9
3. Cultivate a positive mindset. Proverbs 15:15
4. Cultivate a giving heart. Acts 20:35
Remember, “A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you
bone-tired.” Proverbs 17:22 MSG

Cindy Dennis
Founder and Executive Director of Cindy Dennis Ministries

Define Your Vision, Pursue Your Passion, Live Your Life on Purpose
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6:30 PM to 8 PM
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“A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.”
Proverbs 17:22 MSG
6:30 PM to 8 PM
South County Government Building, 2nd Floor
8350 Richmond Highway, Alexandria
JOIN US LIVE 7 PM to 8 PM! Go to the Cindy Dennis Ministries Facebook Page to connect to live
Lending Library and Prayer available until 9 PM

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