Do Not Be Afraid

Friday afternoon, my husband and I left town for a wedding celebration of a dear friend. The sky was blue, sun was shining, and there were just a few fluffy white clouds in the sky when the plane landed. It looked like the perfect weather for an outdoor wedding.
By the time we took the shuttle from the airport terminal to get to the car rental location, the weather made an expected turn. The sky was completely full of dark clouds with high gusts of wind. Suddenly a downpour of rain came. It was literally falling horizontally from the strong winds.
We stayed indoors and watched this 20-minute downpour that made visibility impossible for driving. Then as quickly as the storm came in, it left. The sky began to clear up and the winds died down. Other than puddles on the road, you would never suspect that just moments ago there was this downpour of flash-flood conditions.
This month the Confident Woman Workshop kicks off a new summer series “Let God Fight Your Battles: Being Peaceful in the Storm.” I hope you will make plans to join us Mondays either in person or Facebook Live from 7 to 8 pm. This series will focus on God’s battle plan, and the transforming power of worship. We don’t have to face the “storms of life” alone. We can rely on Him to come alongside us and together we will courageously rise above every obstacle when we let God fight our battles.
“Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today….The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Exodus 14:13-14 NLT
Cindy Dennis


SAVE THE DATE: Annual CDM Birthday Bash
Pink and Pearls: A Woman of Value and Excellence
“A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman—who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.” Proverbs 31:10
Saturday, August 13, 2016
11:30 am to 2:00 pm
Gum Springs Community Center
8100 Fordson Rd, Alexandria, VA 22306
Where we celebrate everyone's birthday, enjoy lunch together, a special program, giveaways and fun.
Consider wearing pink, accessorize your outfit with pearls!
Bring a friend...
Event is FREE! Registration information will be available in July 18 at for food count and planning purposes.

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