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Cindy Dennis

Executive Director

Being Part of a Team

Each spring I am reminded of the many years my daughter Christal played softball and our son Rob played baseball. It was fun watching them from the stands as each year they played various positions on their team. I loved watching them learn to work with their teammates each season. Often the best season was not always about how many wins, but how well they worked together as a team, encouraging each other to do their best and most importantly communicating with each other.

I am reminded that each of us are not able to fulfill our destiny alone. We are all a part of a team (the body of Christ), and we need to work together and guard against isolating ourselves from others. Romans 12:5 says that we “… who are many, are [nevertheless just] one body in Christ, and individually [we are] parts one of another [mutually dependent on each other.” Relationships are God’s way of bringing the gifts and talents we lack into our lives, in our jobs, and activities and stirring up a desire to live out our God-given destiny.

We all need others to help us fulfill the will of God. In fact, there are no “lone rangers” in the kingdom of God. (Even Tonto and the Lone Ranger had each other). Proverbs 15:22 says “Plans go wrong with too few counselors; many counselors bring success.”

There are great benefits when we learn what it means to be a part of a team (body of Christ). We were designed to work together. I value the advice of trusted friends and appreciate their prayers and support.

There is trouble in store for those who isolate themselves and act as though they are sure of everything they are doing. Proverbs 18:1 says a man “…who [willfully] separates himself [from God and man] seeks his own desire, He quarrels against all, sound wisdom.”

This spring season, enjoy getting to know your team mates. Take time to pray for them, and encourage them. Together you can help each other fulfill their God-given destiny.

Join us Saturday, April 9 for the CDM Volunteers Team Day. Let's enjoy getting together as a team to look at what the next couple months will bring.

For His Kingdom,

Cindy Dennis


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