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Branch Shadow

We are so grateful
for you.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your unselfish contribution to Cindy Dennis Ministries. Your support means the world to us! Without it, we would not be able to have the impact we do on our community and world. Thank you for believing in our mission and helping us make a positive impact.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Cindy Dennis and the CDM Leadership Team




Cindy  Dennis Ministries
P.O. Box  8070
Alexandria, VA 22306

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join the team

onations are tax deductible and there are several ways to give:

The Cindy Dennis Ministries’ (CDM) Board of Directors, and Leadership Team are so grateful for the financial and prayer support that you provided us throughout 2024.

Please prayerfully consider giving to help underwrite our 2025 events and programs.

Through our website:, you find links to give, or you can give by mailing your check to CDM, PO Box 8070, Alexandria, VA 22306.

We truly are grateful for everything you do for this ministry and hope that we can count on your continued support as we look to 2025.

other ways

to give

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our why

Did you know that Cindy Dennis Ministries reaches over 1,000 per week with their weekly messages? We have people from 20 different countries around the world being helped by our life-giving ministry. 


Our Each year we participate in an electronic fundraiser. Our yearly budget goal for Giving Tuesday is $2,000.


You can give securely and safely to Cindy Dennis Ministries since we are a registered 501c(3).

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OUR featured ministries

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Cindy  Dennis Ministries
P.O. Box  8070
Alexandria, VA 22306

Rising Hope Mission Church

Their primary goal is to build intentional relationships and friendships amongst the least, lost, lonely, and left out of the Rt. 1 corridor south of Alexandria in Fairfax County. These relationships are forged through the meeting of basic needs through our food pantry, soup kitchen, homeless clothing closet, hypothermia shelter, and countless other need-based services.

They are dedicated to improving quality of life and promoting self-sufficiency for low- and no-income individuals and communities throughout the world.  Their focus is on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Agri-Business, Micro-Credit, Health and Nutrition, and Education. The strength of HIDC is its ability to develop close working relationships with the local community and national government leaders to aid in delivery of humanitarian services and economic development.

Harambee International Development Corporation (HIDC)

Hardemon Dynasty Inc.

They provide affordable housing for young adults aging out of foster care.

They are a multi-faceted ministry that works together with domestic and international partners located all over the world to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth. The ministry work includes prayer, teaching, preaching, door-to-door evangelism, open air crusades, economic development, and reconstruction of churches, buildings, schools, and homes for community uplift and encouragement.

KTT International Ministries, Inc.

The A21 Campaign

They are one of the largest organizations in the world that is solely fighting human trafficking. At a local, domestic,  and international level. All over the world, they are not just responding to trafficking that is already taking place, but we are actively working on the frontlines to prevent it from happening to begin with.

They are active in the community and around the world. Bishop Kimberly has a passion for feeding & clothing the homeless and teaching Bible study at senior living facilities. She feels prayer is essential therefore, they offer prayer three times a day globally and are known for healing, deliverance and outreach.

Kimberly Kindred Ministries

Gerald Mayhan Ministries

Gerald Mayhan Ministries is a global evangelistic ministry birthed out of a love for and in obedience to Jesus Christ. Their mission is to reach many souls for the Kingdom of God both locally and worldwide.

see our year

in review




Cindy  Dennis Ministries
P.O. Box  8070
Alexandria, VA 22306

God has placed in the hearts of His people the desire to join forces as one and make a difference in the lives of others.  When we work together as one unit, instead of many, we are able to impact more and benefit more.

How can you help?


First and foremost, as a covenant partner, we expect you to pray diligently for the ministry and participate in the miracles.  As you contribute your time, talent, resources, and prayers for the ministry, you help us reach others in this community and beyond with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  As your schedule permits, you may volunteer to get involved in some aspect of the ministry by joining prayer teams; volunteering to assist with special events, conferences, or weekly meeting; or participating in one of our outreaches to the community.


As a covenant partner, you will join a unique people of like faith with a desire to help others.  Soul winning will be at the heart of your personal desire, for like us, you with that none should perish but that all should have eternal life.


As a covenant partner, you agree to pray for the ministry and support it with a monthly love gift.  We are waiting for you.  Together we can make a difference in the lives of others.

To give online, you may click our above paypal link.


We are pleased to offer the option of Online Giving for your convince and security, through PayPals securely hosted donation website.


You can now use any major credit card or debit card to make a contribution to Cindy Dennis Ministries with complete peace of mind that your information is secure.


How does it work?


By clicking the PayPal link above, you will be directed to a secure site hosted by PayPal, one of todays most reputable companies for handling financial transactions.  


Your credit card information is not sent to Cindy Dennis Ministries, but only to PayPal.  PayPal acts as the middle-man for your online transaction.  


PayPal will notify Cindy Dennis Ministries that you have made a contribution and passes along the funds seamlessly and immediately.


Security Tip:

Remember -- Neither PayPal nor Cindy Dennis Ministries will ever email you to ask you for personal / confidential / financial information.  If you receive such an email soliciting information, delete it and directly contact PayPal at or Cindy Dennis Ministries at to determine if there were problems with your online transaction.




Cindy  Dennis Ministries
P.O. Box  8070
Alexandria, VA 22306

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their stories

My name is Arlene Allison. The Cindy Dennis Ministry has been a blessing to me personally. The love for God and the teachings of how we should live our lives as Christians has a huge impact.


Everyone involve in the ministry has been warm and truly show their love for Christ and others. My prayer is for this ministry to flourish even more and reach more lost souls for the kingdom of God. 

It has been my pleasure to be apart of CDM for the past 12 years. Congratulations to you Cindy and your amazing volunteer staff for their faithful service. They made coming to Monday night bible study so enjoyable because of their pleasant attitude and warm welcome. In addition to the bible studies being enjoyable the information learned from them could be shared with others such as the women I've ministered to in Uganda.


The women here have been blessed by me sharing the material with them. The CDM prayers and financial support has been greatly appreciated here. The various events put on by the staff were always professionally done and people always looked forward to the next event. I liked the Birthday Bash where you recognized everyone's birthday on your birthday.


How CDM pulls in the entire community to come together as one has been an encouragement to me working with the community here in Jinja, Uganda. Thank you Cindy for the wonderful example you show of the representation of  God's kingdom here on earth. A big congratulations for 12 years of dedicated service.

Hello Children of God from the United States of America. 


Greetings from Uganda and thank you for your love for God and the Saints. 


Allow me take this little to express my heart felt gratitude to Cindy Dennis Ministries for your steadfast commitment to building Hope, Dignity and Pride in the lives of God’s Children with emphasis on women. 


I believe the year was 2013 when I had the opportunity to be invited to Minister in CDM by Sis Anne Sellers, Sis Tami J Franklin on the subject matter “DELIVERANCE”

This was such a very impactful opportunity for me to widen my research and understanding of deliverance on a global perspective. Coming from Africa, the demon manifestation is totally different from how demonic forces manifest in the developed world. 


That particular time was such a blessing to me to be able to take time to study and understand a little more on demons, their manifestation and how one can be delivered. The study particularly revealed that some times demonic forces take shelter within our households and we don’t even know. 


This study and the opportunity to share with the members present that day remains a memorable time and my life was greatly impacted on the other side. 


Allow me also thank CDM for the financial seed that was planted up on me. The person of me that the Lord has raised, dates to moments like that and cannot be taken lightly; THANK YOU. 


Once again I feel greatly honoured to be able to  share a little bit of my experience with CDM and do hope that the Lord will order my feet one more time to join you all some time in the near future. 


I remain your brother in the Kingdom,


Joseph Eletu (Rev.)

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partner now




Cindy  Dennis Ministries
P.O. Box  8070
Alexandria, VA 22306

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